Just recently, she's really started imaginative play with her baby and it's been so much fun to watch the little mama swaddle, coddle and rock her, buckle her into her carseat, wrap towels around her after pool-play, sing and dance with her, she carries her around very cautiously most of the day, it's very entertaining.
Now that she's a Big 2-Year-Old, she's starting to do more "chores" and help out around the house...and she loves it!
Here, she's washing peppers for fajitas...

look at that detailed scrub-job!

She also takes out the garbage, makes her own breakfast...what?!? You say, "Oh yes, she tried to make her own scrambled eggs in her little kitchen while I was cleaning in the other room. Apparently, the eggs were left out on the counter, so she found a step stool, pulled it to the counter, climbed up, got an egg, climbed back down, then set out a pan on her stovetop and proceeded to crack it...I wonder what went through her head when the yolk started dripping onto the floor...something like, "hmmm, that's not how Daddy did it...but I'll used this part instead..." so she put the egg shells in her pan and "cooked" them up, I presume, before running into the play room saying, "Mommy, clean..." Yes, I was cleaning, and I thought she was just stating the obvious..."Mommy, clean eggs, messy eggs." Huh? my head jerks up like marionette with eyes wide open, I turn to see her arms, legs, feet, everything, dripping with yolks...I ask calmly, "Where did you get the eggs?" So she says, "C'mere, Mommy, c'mere." I follow, cringing at every step...thank heaven, nothing on the carpet, all had landed on the play stove, oven, shelves and floor, it was easy enough to clean up and I was able to laugh about it.