Little Flamingo's Little World

Once upon a time there was a bird called Flamingo. She had a baby bird that she named Little Flamingo, or Flaminguito. By the time Flaminguito turned one year old, she was doing a lot of funny things that Flamingo wanted to share with all the other birds in her flock. When a friend from the monkey exhibit at the Zoo told her about a blog, she decided to start one of her own...then two little baby blue birds came along and she added their antics to her blog, too...this is Flaminguito's blog.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009's right there..between the legs of the couches...what is it?

...can you tell yet?

A little closer...
It's a tent for a baby, of course, sewn on the bird's new sewing machine from her Aunt W. Isn't that what you make with sewing machines? Ahhh...the things she comes up with... (of course, I helped a little bit...lot...with this one).

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Just precious...that's all.
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I can felt, I can felt, I can felt!

I feel like Wendy in Peter Pan when she realizes she can fly, I have this newfound freedom discovered in knitting and felting things. I did a purse to start with and then tried these mittens...and they worked, they really, really worked! I'm so excited, they're a little big for the little bird, as you can see below, but better than being too small, I suppose! Anyway, I had to share my newfound skill with everyone!
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We can't seem to help it...we just keep taking pictures of her...

and then feel compelled to post them to our blog regardless of whether or not there's a story behind it. This was just a snowy morning that turned into a sunny, clear, dry day...but still, we snapped away...she just looked cute!
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Sunday, February 08, 2009

A day at the beach...

The baby bird and her mama overlooking the waves...

Not as pretty, but hey, it happens to the best of us...sometimes the pants are just a little too big.
We got so close to this little guy, well, he wasn't exactly little, but we got close to him...he was napping so we snuck in for a photo op and backed out without disturbing him.

Little girl on a big log.
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