The bird got her "bird" finger stuck in a doll's curler today. It started off calm enough..."um, Mommy? It's stuck.""Oh? Let me see...why yes, it is stuck." Hmmm...after pulling and trying to twist and tugging this way and that, I called Daddy bird...he had some slippery suggestions, but it was stuck good and not wanting to budge. He had to go, so I tried for a little longer with lotion and cold water and whatnot, but it wasn't working.
Finally, this face you see below turned to a tear-soaked frown and I called Papa Bird (Grandpa), who suggested luck.Then he suggested a file, so out we tromped to the garage between sobs and found a square file in Daddy's tool box. It looked scary, I presume, because then she really started crying, but calmed down when we told her it would tickle and she had to try not to laugh while I worked on it.