Little Flamingo's Little World

Once upon a time there was a bird called Flamingo. She had a baby bird that she named Little Flamingo, or Flaminguito. By the time Flaminguito turned one year old, she was doing a lot of funny things that Flamingo wanted to share with all the other birds in her flock. When a friend from the monkey exhibit at the Zoo told her about a blog, she decided to start one of her own...then two little baby blue birds came along and she added their antics to her blog, too...this is Flaminguito's blog.

Friday, April 24, 2009

He's 4 weeks old now, one month already! And I'll post more recent pictures from this last week soon! He's getting over his cold, thank God! And on the mend now, that means a little better sleep for everyone! Here's another photo album (did you realize the one below is an album, too...not just that one photo?) I heard that some people didn't know that, so be sure to double click on the picture and the album will open. Enjoy!

Baby Blue Bird's first 3 weeks

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

He's Here!
Baby blue bird arrived on March 21, 2009 at 6:05pm after only 16 hours and 3 minutes of labor. A lot longer than with his big sister, so I was surprised about that, but it wasn't so bad, I knew the end result would be worth it and that (and a lot of prayer) is what got me through it. Weighing 7 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long, he is a beautiful baby boy! I was surprised, Daddy bird was not (he's known since the 20 week ultrasound when he got a sneak peek). We are slowly adjusting to life with one more, and so far, it has been a roller coaster of happiness, late night feedings, cryings (from not just the baby blue bird, but sometimes Mommy, too...for unexplained reasons other than hormones and just looking at this new little blessing that's come into our lives...thank you, God!), just overall adjusting to having to share Mom, Dad and the big sister. It's amazing how a mother's body can function on only 3 hours of sleep and how she doesn't resent the little alarm clock that wakes her over and over again. It's amazing how tiny those little features are and how big his sisters' hands, feet, everything are now that she's next to the tiny one. I couldn't believe it when my 3 year old "baby" walked into the delivery room to meet her brother and she looked huge! It's amazing how much you can love one child when you only have one and somehow, you love the 2nd one just as much, I didn't know I had it in me. It's amazing how I can ramble on and on about my children (wow, childREN!) and not even know the day's news events anymore. It's absolutely amazing, all of it. Welcome, little blue bird!
Casey Neill Birthday