Little Flamingo's Little World

Once upon a time there was a bird called Flamingo. She had a baby bird that she named Little Flamingo, or Flaminguito. By the time Flaminguito turned one year old, she was doing a lot of funny things that Flamingo wanted to share with all the other birds in her flock. When a friend from the monkey exhibit at the Zoo told her about a blog, she decided to start one of her own...then two little baby blue birds came along and she added their antics to her blog, too...this is Flaminguito's blog.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Okay, look closely at those "hands".
She was playing with Dad this morning when she was getting dressed...notice anything "standing" out?
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And you gotta love this 'do.

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Stylin' in MamaWear, by Grandmama.
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And a walkin' to a different beat here!
Look at that drool, a couple of days after we took this, his top two teeth poked through.
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Ain't he sweet? Just a rockin' to the beat!
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