Little Flamingo's Little World

Once upon a time there was a bird called Flamingo. She had a baby bird that she named Little Flamingo, or Flaminguito. By the time Flaminguito turned one year old, she was doing a lot of funny things that Flamingo wanted to share with all the other birds in her flock. When a friend from the monkey exhibit at the Zoo told her about a blog, she decided to start one of her own...then two little baby blue birds came along and she added their antics to her blog, too...this is Flaminguito's blog.

Monday, July 26, 2010

5th Birthday!

I realize every year is a milestone...perhaps more so when you're a parent. But reaching the age of "5" was a HUGE deal in our house. The little flaminguito, whom I started this blog for about 4 1/2 years ago, has grown so much, that now, instead of writing about her learning to talk and using her first signs...I'm writing about her asking how tall she'll be on her 5th birthday, and what kinds of things can she do that she couldn't do when she was "only 4". Now, she sleeps through the night (except the one before her birthday, it's just too exciting to sleep) and I don't wonder what I did wrong and why she can only fall asleep while laying in my arms. I don't have naptimes to battle anymore with her, instead, during naptimes, we do things like read chapter books like "Little House on the Prairie" or "Pippi Longstocking" and she asks me questions while we visit over foot soaks in the waterfall about things I actually don't know the answer to...or don't know how to explain. It's funny how approaching 5 one becomes less a little preschooler and more a little lady. She crosses her legs, even when she doesn't know I'm looking...and crosses herself after prayers and meals. She teaches her brother to do things I thought she'd NEVER learn. She amazes me every day with her thoughtfulness and caring ways she ponders things and then asks me about them...or when I watch her in the pool in the "Big Minnows" class with her entire face underwater blowing bubbles and doing the crawl stroke on her belly...learning from somebody else! These were things I would have panicked if you'd have told me she'd do when she was 5...because only 4 years ago, I was in the same pool, hugging her so tight so she wouldn't get a drop of water on that precious face and start crying and I'd have to get her out and nurse her in the car to calm her down before going home. So, as a parent, 5 is, well, amazing really. God has given us such a wonderful little teacher in our beautiful little girl, pardon me, lady, I've learned so much from her about myself, my husband, and life in general...and I've learned why those moms cry when their kids do silly things, like go to Vacation Bible School...2 whole themselves...without Me to hold her hand! I'll never again think they're losing it. I know. They're experiencing that amazing thing called growing up. Now, as my tribute to my 5 year old...and our 5 years of are photos from our little lady's 5th Birthday. (double click to enjoy them all). And here's to many more beautiful years of loving, learning and growing together.