It has come to my attention (thank you, Daddy Bird, GrandMama, Papa, my own kids) that I have neglected to post pictures to the blog recently.'s a bit of winter play to catch up on with us. First though, a little summary of our past week's events, from my perspective.
And that about sums it up, messy, wonderful, blessings of winter weather! Within 2 days it warmed up to 60 degrees and we had a melty mess, but are enjoying the warmer temps now. Click on the link below to join our fun.
Winter snow play
Snow Day!
By Mommy
Soft dry powder, fluffly white
flying, blowing through the night.
Kids awake from winter's dreaming
look outside, begin their screaming!
Coats, hats, mittens, scarves tied tight
this boot goes on this foot, right?
Outside before the sun can rise;
playing, sledding, tasting ice.
slipp'ry ice, watch for cracks!
Every breath makes big white puffs
rosy cheeks and...that's enough!
Fingers cold, can't feel their toes
back inside before sun rose!
"Tired, cold!" cry hungry tots
peel off layers, down to socks,
dripping, mucky, soggy tracks-
fireplace warms up their backs.
Filling bellies-cocoa, pancakes,
second wind-they hardly can wait!
Back to cold, there's more to play,
"No school today..." Hooray, hooray!
Too cold to play outside all winter,
'till it snows then all is better.
In and out, cold then dry
piles of laundry into night.
Messy, sloppy, winter weather
really couldn't get much better.
Winter snow play